"Doraemon Nobita Aur Antariksh Daku," also known as "Doraemon: Nobita's Space Heroes," is an animated film from the popular Doraemon franchise. Released in 2015, this movie takes viewers on an exciting adventure through space and time with the iconic characters Nobita and Doraemon.
The story begins when a mysterious girl named Riruru arrives on Earth and befriends Nobita and his friends. Riruru is a spacefaring hero from the planet Koya Koya, which is threatened by an evil villain named Yaadon Ki Baaraat. She entrusts Nobita and his friends with the task of becoming space heroes to save her planet from destruction.
To accomplish this mission, Doraemon equips Nobita and his friends with futuristic gadgets and takes them on a journey through time and space. They encounter various challenges, including space battles, alien civilizations, and the need to harness their inner courage and strength to become true space heroes.
"Doraemon Nobita Aur Antariksh Daku" is a visually stunning film with captivating animation that brings the adventures of Nobita and his friends to life in the vastness of space. The movie blends humor, action, and heartwarming moments, emphasizing themes of bravery, friendship, and the idea that ordinary individuals can rise to become heroes when faced with extraordinary challenges.
Overall, this Doraemon movie offers an enjoyable and inspiring space adventure that appeals to fans of all ages and continues to capture the charm and imagination of the Doraemon series.